Hi every one who visits our blog, we the Stanites would love to know our visitors especially our peers and juniors owing allegence to our Alma Mater, hence for those not that net savvy,
heres how you join us. When you visit our blog, on the left side you will find Archives and the current month, click on the current month, you will find the blog expanding, scroll down and you will find a blog posting stating it is the blog of the month, you will find the link for comments, please click on it, you will come on the comments page, please read the current discussions, stories ribbing, cribs complaints etc then when you feel engrossed in the blog, scroll up go to where it says
post your comments, type in your comments and register yourself as a blogger by signing in by filling a few minor details and once you become a member of blogspot.com go ahead and join the extended family called Stanes Coonoor,