Tuesday, 30 November 2010

December 2010

A great month with the blog reviving and crossing 70 posts. With Christmas around the corner, we do have many waiting for the long vacations and trips into warmer pastures or colder hills are planned.

What would be our scores this month?

Come one and all, lets get on the roll and do we hear that rolling stones do not gather moss!!!!!!!!!

Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179
The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Monday, 1 November 2010

November 2010

there's blogger young and blogger old
in tropical climes and canada cold
some so regular as if on cue
we've got bloggers in our fighting force
in banking law and at the bourse
church affairs and education too
but where the hell is blogger new

all our blogger girls and blogger boys
(even serial george and ms christine poise)
have reached our proverbial waterloo
finding needle-in-the-haystack blogger new

nothing seems to be far more greater
than the years spent in the alma mater
we bloggers will do what bloggers do
with or without the elusive new
(sorry for the substitution sunu)

Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ , Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Friday, 1 October 2010

Opening October 2010

Opals - gems with quartz-like structure
Flash and sparkle rainbow colours
Ancient eye stone - deep red fire stone
Eastern Opals truth and faith stone
Pure white Opal - jet black Opal
Crystal clear the water Opal
Elusive - diffuse - mystery stone
Opals - gems with quartz-like structure.
Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179
The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

September 2010 Posts

Come september there was Michaelmas holiday time, now we have St Mary's Festival, Ramzan and Ganesh Chaturti et all around the corner.
.... where are our regular Bloggers we hope to have more Stanite Bloggers logging in. We have only about one post last month.. a paltry 34 posts...
We are Looking for more posts this Month. Will our Prophesies hold True???
Cupid had smiled and Sunu Charles and Anitha entered into Holy Wedlock on 18 Sep 2009 last year and their first wedding annivarsary is around. Sunu and Anitha, Wishing you a very happy anniversary and long married life.

Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,
Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179

The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Sunday, 1 August 2010

August 2010- Stanes Blog looks for Alumini Attendance


The Indian Independence Day Month is around, Autumn sets her brown eyes on the world, lets start August Comments Here

July indicated that we are all not serious about heaven and hell its presence and absence. Consensus appeared to be "live and let live". It also showed that we are a repository of great knowledge but refused to share and the blog has a paltry attendance of 30 Posts. With Cloud computing being the buzz these days, hope our alumini do not consign our blog into the clouds. Let us tap into it and maybe a tip here or a suggestion there will give us a $ billionaire.

Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,
Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179

The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Thursday, 1 July 2010

July and here we are waiting to cross another 100 Blogs

Another month . The blog crossed 100 comments in June. Here we commence our next innings

FOR POSTING PICTURES AND STORIES PLEASE CLICK ONTO THE RESPECTIVE LINKS.Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179

The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

June 2010 is here, monsoon clouds and premonsoon Showers- how many bloggers plan to mark their presence this month???

Another month . The pages are all empty. Only 68 posts . Junes here, lets spend more time on the blog. Relive stories of escapes from home/ dorms at night, Berry, tatboot, plum, peach raids in Tiger hill, Grace hill, Singara, night shows in Bedford... getting stuck in windows....benders from Dawson/ PM Varghese, Oomen Samuel, Mathew Samuel.....We are sure that there are still more stories and yarns of school itching to remind most of us of those glorious days at school, come share them... our master story tellers and some hidden stalwarts even those from the blues have some fantastic episodes, do share with us...

FOR POSTING PICTURES AND STORIES PLEASE CLICK ONTO THE RESPECTIVE LINKS.Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179

The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Saturday, 1 May 2010

May 2010 Posts

May Day May day, the blog seems to be abandoned.... where are our regular Bloggers we hope to have more Stanite Bloggers logging in. April 2010 had one of the lowest calls from our bloggers.
We are Looking for more posts this Month. Will our Prophesies hold True???
FOR POSTING PICTURES AND STORIES PLEASE CLICK ONTO THE RESPECTIVE LINKS.Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179
The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Friday, 2 April 2010



There was no political correctness in the 60's. The term "big-fat" never existed then. A spade was called a spade! Those who had front teeth angled outwards (excessive overbite) were called "Coxy"! Timid guys were called "Pusky"! Stingy guys were called "Marwadi Kanjuse!(My apologies to the Marwadi community). Girlish guys were called Pottais!(My apologies to the girls). My elder brother who was rather plump, was called "Fatty Bumbalatti"! Those who carried tales to teachers were called "sneakers"! Our chairman Mr. Enwright was called "Murclick"!Perhaps some of you can add some more derogatory terms that were in use.
(courtesy Peter greene)

Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ , Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/ The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Monday, 1 March 2010

MARCH 2010

Feb 2006 was when we started. Feb 2010 saw the least number of comments. Time takes its toll on everything. By commenting now and then, we, at least know that the others are keeping in fine fettle, so a purpose is being served. Shiva must the preoccupied elsewhere because otherwise he is very prompt in updating the month. March is a cruel month in India because of the rising temperature, water shortage, and year ending financial operations.

Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ , Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/ The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Feb 2010- John Completes half Century

February, another new month, a time to celebrate the 50th Birthday of Our John, look forward to our bloggers wooing their Valentines, month for Premila, Jagdish, Dorai, Jaya and some of our silent visitors to come out of the closet and mark their attendance....

" Wishing you lots of Happiness, Success, Love n Good health"

Shiva Also marries Nagarathna on 19 February 2010 at Isckon Temple premises, Bangalore with the reception on 21 February 2010 at RSI Bangalore


Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ , Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/ The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

Friday, 1 January 2010

Wishing You all a very Happy and prosperous new Year and a Great 2010

What can be said in New Year rhymes, That's not been said a thousand times?The new years come, the old years go, We know we dream, we dream we know.We rise up laughing with the light, We lie down weeping with the night.We hug the world until it stings, We curse it then and sigh for wings.We live, we love, we woo, we wed, We wreathe our prides, we sheet our dead.We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear, And that's the burden of a year.
...Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ , Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/ The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

February 2025 and we celebrate the blog completing 20 years.

Glimses of Stanes  With February, we welcome another new month,  look forward to our bloggers wooing their Valentines...