Tuesday, 2 July 2013

July 2013 and our Blog still goes on

Another month . The pages are all empty. Only 32 posts . July is here, lets spend more time on the blog. (Pictures of Stanes a few years ago and Now)
The Monsoon clouds are around, Uttarakhand has got rains in over abundance, many pilgrims lost their lives, the politicians try to gain mileage, the armed forces prove their mettle saving the stranded pilgrims and locals  Bangalore has been treated to some unprecedented showers and development woes...Coonoor is not far behind but the dams are still to fill up.. lets see what comes to the hills with Tourists trampling all over the place...
Pictorial Tour of our School is available on  https://www.facebook.com/vikram.augustine/media_set?set=a.10200170293964669.1073741843.1371019974&type=1

FOR POSTING PICTURES AND STORIES PLEASE CLICK ONTO THE RESPECTIVE LINKS.Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,
Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ ,
that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179; also the School's Official Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/StanesSchoolCoonoor?ref=br_tf

The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/

February 2025 and we celebrate the blog completing 20 years.

Glimses of Stanes  With February, we welcome another new month,  look forward to our bloggers wooing their Valentines...