.... where are our regular Bloggers we hope to have more Stanite Bloggers logging in. We have only 21 posts last month..
We, Stanes Coonoor Alumni have created a google group,
those of you wishing to
join this group may send a mail on stanescoonooralumini@googlegroups.com
giving your name, year of entry into Stanes, year of leaving, class
upto which studied and email id,we shall add you to the group. http://stanescoonoorblog.blogspot.in/p/blog-page.html
FOR POSTING PICTURES AND STORIES PLEASE CLICK ONTO THE RESPECTIVE LINKS.Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ ,
that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/
Stanes as a group is available on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=2214025179; also the School's Official Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/StanesSchoolCoonoor?ref=br_tf
The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/