Tuesday, 1 June 2021

June 2021 Posts

The School From St Josephs Convent

View of School From YMCA Corner

View From the Assembly Hall

Another month . Two Bloggers, 6 comments, the writer in John has surfaced with lovely tales of the Corona War in Uganda, Africa, thanks we look forward to your musings again

 Junes here, the second wave also caresses the country. The Monsoon clouds are around, Kerala has started getting rains in abundance,  Bangalore has been treated to some unprecedented showers and development woes...Coonoor is not far behind but the dams are still to fill up.. ...Do we have more bloggers coming in or only the faithful five keeping the blog rolling? Teddy our original Blog Master has deserted the Blog...
Featured Pictures of the month from 1963

The Union Church, Boys Sunday School group of 1963 . ( Seniors and Inters)


Front row  : David Vardon,    Glen Furnell, Leon Reilly ,   Sheiger Kanniah,   Richard Scully,  Simon Oomen,   Ninan Zachariah,   Alexander Oomen,   Ninan Oomen,  Chacko Kurien.

Other rows :

Richard Green (seen between Leon Reilly and Sheiger Kanniah), Jacob Mani ( between Richard Green and Sheiger Kanniah), Rev. Richard Strom ( Our Sunday School teacher, Asst Pastor of Union Church and Stanes School Board Member) , Denzil Furnell ( seen next to Rev. Strom) , Thomas Trencher (between Richard Scully and Simon Oomen), George Kurien (between Thomas Trencher and Simon Oomen), Peter Green (between Simon Oomen and Ninan Zachariah), Dicky Staples (between Simon Oomen and Peter Green) , Vijayakumar Kanniah (just behind Peter Green and next to Dicky Staples) , Gerald John (between Ninan Zachariah and Alexander Oomen) , Peter Swain (next to Vijaykumar and between Ninan Zachariah and Gerald John) , Unknown- can't identify (between Alex and Ninan Oomen) , George Eapen and Eustice Johnson (between Gerald John and "Unknownen".) ,  Neville Dixon (between Ninan Oomen and Chacko Kurien),  Wilfred Johnson (between " unknown" and Neville Dixon), Shanmugasundaram ( standing behind Wilfred Johnson), George Webster ( standing behind Chacko Kurien)

Mrs. Cornelius along with, Pastor Aruldasan and Mrs. Aruldasan who were incharge of the boys Annexe during 1963.

We, Stanes Coonoor Alumni have created a google group, stanescoonooralumini@googlegroups.com ; those of you wishing to join this group may send a mail on stanescoonooralumini@googlegroups.com giving your name, year of entry into Stanes, year of leaving, class upto which studied and email id,we shall add you to the group. http://stanescoonoorblog.blogspot.in/p/blog-page.html

PLEASE POST YOUR COMMENTS FOR June 2021 HERE. Pictures are available for viewing at http://stanescoonoorphotoalbums.blogspot.com/ , Catch up with stories and memoirs on http://stanescoonoorstories.blogspot.com/ , that site is waiting for your attention too!! Bring out the poet in you at http://stanescoonoorpoems.blogspot.com/

A group mail id exists, Do subscribe and be a part of it

The updated web site of our school is available at http://www.stanesschoolcoonoor.com/
For those wanting to remit contributions to the school Alumni Fund, here are some details
 Send in contributions to the Alumni Corpus as under
By Cheque to:
 President/Treasurer, Stanes Alumni Association,
Stanes Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School,COONOOR 643 101 Nilgiris, Tamilnadu
On line transfer:
Stanes Alumni Association, Coonoor A/c No.10490100005508
Name of Bank: Bank of Baroda, Coonoor Branch.
MICR Code: 643012002 

February 2025 and we celebrate the blog completing 20 years.

Glimses of Stanes  With February, we welcome another new month,  look forward to our bloggers wooing their Valentines...